Arduino Pins
Motor CCW Switch Arduino D4
Motor CW Switch Arduino D3
Motor Stop Arduino D3
Speed Control Potentiometer Analog A0
Stepper Motor Direction D8
Stepper Motor Pulse D9
Frequency 0 to 10Khz
Credits: Code
Arduino Code
#include <AccelStepper.h>
// Define the stepper and the pins it will use
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 9, 8);
// Define our three input button pins
#define LEFT_PIN 4
#define STOP_PIN 3
#define RIGHT_PIN 2
// Define our analog pot input pin
#define SPEED_PIN 0
// Define our maximum and minimum speed in steps per second (scale pot to these)
#define MAX_SPEED 10000
#define MIN_SPEED 0.1
void setup() {
// The only AccelStepper value we have to set here is the max speeed, which is higher than we'll ever go
// Set up the three button inputs, with pullups
void loop() {
static float current_speed = 0.0; // Holds current motor speed in steps/second
static int analog_read_counter = 1000; // Counts down to 0 to fire analog read
static char sign = 0; // Holds -1, 1 or 0 to turn the motor on/off and control direction
static int analog_value = 0; // Holds raw analog value.
// If a switch is pushed down (low), set the sign value appropriately
if (digitalRead(LEFT_PIN) == 0) {
sign = 1;
else if (digitalRead(RIGHT_PIN) == 0) {
sign = -1;
else if (digitalRead(STOP_PIN) == 0) {
sign = 0;
// We only want to read the pot every so often (because it takes a long time we don't
// want to do it every time through the main loop).
if (analog_read_counter > 0) {
else {
analog_read_counter = 3000;
// Now read the pot (from 0 to 1023)
analog_value = analogRead(SPEED_PIN);
// Give the stepper a chance to step if it needs to
// And scale the pot's value from min to max speeds
current_speed = sign (((analog_value/1023.0) (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED)) + MIN_SPEED);
// Update the stepper to run at this new speed
// This will run the stepper at a constant speed